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Post-Heating for Vehicle Vinyl Wrap Installations

Post Heating vinyl wraps

How to ensure a professional, perfect vinyl wrap to stay perfect and not to get shrinkage and curling of the vinyl film. First, make sure you follow The 4 Rules of a proper vinyl wrap: – Plan & measure – Clean – Don’t over stretch – Post-Heat The last step is where most installers and DIY’ers make a mistake or just don’t do it. Many installers skip it and almost all DIY’ers don’t even know to do this! This should never be skipped. Your vehicle wrap is not complete until you post heat! Post heating is for areas where you…


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The 4 Rules of a Proper Car Vinyl Wrap

Car Wrapping

Plan & measure Clean Don’t over stretch Post-Heat Plan & Measure Part of this is actually done before you even buy the vinyl. Without measuring how would you know how much vinyl to get? Guessing could be dangerous by underestimating the amount of material you get & will have to stop your work before it is complete and order more material. It could take a week to get in your additional vinyl film (unless you pay extra for overnight/2-day service that could cost almost as much as the extra vinyl film itself) and you run the risk of not being…


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What can I wrap with vinyl films?

vehicle vinyl wraps

The short answer is; anything having virtually any shape that the vinyl will stick to! Now, onto the long answer. These car wraps started out as architectural vinyl films doing both interior and exterior areas on structures and furniture. One day somebody had the very bright idea to try it on a car. The rest is history and a whole new way of accessorizing and beautifying your cherished ride and those of others’. All of our vinyl films sold can be used on any type of vehicle such as cars, SUVs, trucks, motor bikes, ATV’s, quads, snowmobiles, boats, planes and…


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How to use WrapCut knifeless tape system

The car wrap installer’s best friend! The WrapCut knifeless tape system is currently the best one on the market. It does not snap and works to cut perfect lines every time. Use it when you have certain areas that would require cutting of the vinyl on the surface of the vehicle, thus risking cutting into the paint finish and damaging the vehicle. When you want to add stripes, accents or have to put seems into deep recesses or places that are too wide for the vinyl width. WrapCut® Application Process Step One Apply WrapCut to the surface with the filament…